Pragmatic and Efficient, Blowing the Charge for Green, Low Carbon, and High Quality Development - Sidenote of the Economic Operation Dispatching Meeting of Shandong State Investment Corporation

Release Time:2023-04-19 Views:1891 times

Grass grows and warblers fly in the April sky, and fragrant flowers leisurely fill the world. On April 17th, Shandong State Investment Corporation held an economic operation scheduling meeting, with Luan Jian, Secretary of the company's Party Committee and Chairman, attending the meeting and giving a speech. The meeting reported on the company's financial benchmarking and overall economic performance in the first quarter, and signed the 2023 performance responsibility letter. 14 owned enterprises including Huate Group reported on their economic performance in the first quarter. Participants expressed that under the strong leadership of the company's party committee, the meeting was pragmatic and efficient, and the measures proposed at the meeting were clear and specific, sounding the trumpet for the company's reform and development in the new era.

Adhere to political orientation, and lead great development with great party building

A first-class enterprise needs first-class party building guidance! The new party committee has clearly proposed the political direction of strengthening party building and strengthening party building. We demand that Party building and leadership be given top priority, firmly adhere to and strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Party, and firmly establish the "root" and "soul" of the Party.

The more complex the situation and challenging the task, the more important it is to focus on and strengthen party building, and ensure high-quality development with the guidance of high-quality party building. "The company's party committee has clearly requested that the affiliated units implement it solidly. Various units have prioritized strengthening party building in their work measures and proposed clear measures to strengthen party building and promote development. After the meeting, everyone expressed the need to implement the requirements of the company's Party Committee to focus on Party building, adhere to integrating Party building into the central work, continue to promote the integration of Party leadership into company governance, achieve greater results in managing the Party and promoting integration, achieve "two hands grasping and two hands hard" in Party building and business, effectively guide development with Party building, effectively escort development with Party building, and effectively promote development with Party building. Under the strong leadership of the Party, Strengthen strategic leadership, clarify development ideas, clarify development positioning, and adhere to the standard of "three benefits" to firmly strengthen, optimize, and expand state-owned enterprises!

Adhere to problem-oriented approach and showcase new trends in the new meeting atmosphere

After 8:30 am, there is still some time before the formal start of the meeting, and the attendees have gradually entered the venue to prepare for the meeting. At 9 o'clock sharp, the economic operation scheduling meeting officially began. Unlike before, the meeting has changed the traditional form of written reports, with the presenters presenting their work in a PPT format. Each person spends 8 minutes showcasing their effectiveness from multiple perspectives and in a three-dimensional manner, analyzing the causes of problems, and proposing next steps. The speaking time has been shortened, but efficiency has actually improved.

Talk less about grades, ask more questions, ask precise questions, and check the pulse for diagnosis. Adhering to problem orientation has become a key requirement of this scheduling meeting. During the reporting process, each unit uses a large amount of space to analyze the market environment and their own actual situation, with precise examples, objective data, and excellent measures, to report pragmatically and accurately. The on-site questioning by company leaders became a highlight of this scheduling meeting. What are the main results of benchmarking first-class? "" What is the reason for the significant decline in business performance this year? "" Has the reporting material team studied it collectively? "... The question was direct and precise, and every comrade present was deeply pondered. Behind this innovative trend, it reflects a work style that emphasizes practical work and strives for practical results.

Adhere to goal orientation, new goals urge new actions

If there is a goal, there is direction, and if there is direction, there is motivation. Through intuitive comparison and benchmarking with domestic and provincial first-class enterprises, everyone has seen their own development advantages, achievements, and strengthened their confidence in development. I have also seen the shortcomings and shortcomings of the enterprise, as well as the practical gap in asset quality, profitability, and other aspects compared to domestic and provincial first-class enterprises! I have seen the shortcomings and weaknesses of implementing the "three benefits" requirements of state-owned enterprises against high standards and strict requirements!

This is a wake-up call, as well as a meeting to inspire fighting spirit and learn from experts!

Our profitability is stronger than that of benchmark enterprises in the province. We are a leading enterprise in the field of children's medicine in the province, with stable growth in various business indicators. Our compound profit growth rate is 157%, which is higher than that of benchmark enterprises in the province and China. Our asset size, number of employees, and profitability are more than 10 times lower than the top enterprises in the industry in the province Financing is facing significant pressure, with a shortage of professional talents and a prominent talent gap hindering the company's development

To know one's shortcomings and move backward, to look at the distant mountains and strive to move forward. After the meeting, various units expressed one after another, "We should seize the opportunity, innovate our thinking, play chess to find experts, benchmark and learn from them, always maintain the spirit of 'adventure', 'creativity', and 'work style'. With the spirit of 'starting with a decisive battle and starting with a sprint', we should bravely take on the responsibility, overcome difficulties, and run out of the 'National Investment Acceleration' to contribute more to the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of Shandong National Investment Company

Adhere to development orientation, clarify new measures for new development

This is not only a routine work meeting, but also a promotion meeting to solve problems and plan for development.

The first quarter analysis not only looks at the first quarter, but also at next year and the future

Each of us comrades should think about what to do with the future development of China National Investment Corporation and where the path of development lies

We need to deeply analyze where the profit growth points of China National Investment Corporation will be in the next 5 to 10 years

We need to optimize our investment strategy. We need to identify the direction of strategic development, integrate resources, optimize and adjust investment strategies, grasp key investment directions, increase investment in high-tech and strategic emerging industries, rely on strategic emerging industry investment to drive the overall level improvement of the company, and continuously enhance the competitiveness of state-owned capital operations

We need to implement key breakthroughs. Relying on industrialization and securitization strategic products, we will focus on building industrial parks such as the "China Shandong Ocean Innovation Industrial Park", strengthen market operation, and create new economic growth points

We need to strengthen resource integration. We need to make up for weaknesses in governance, innovate management models, constantly improve profitability, take advantage of the momentum, and seek benefits from the market. We need to develop business integration capabilities, and promote investment and financing services to improve quality and efficiency.

The sonorous and powerful words echoed throughout the conference hall, inspiring the participants' fighting spirit and determination to pursue and move forward bravely. A series of strategic and practical measures have been taken to plan a new blueprint for the company's development. After the meeting, everyone expressed that they should make the development of China National Investment Corporation the most important cause for everyone, take responsibility, make a difference, improve efficiency, strive for efficiency, and contribute new strength to the company's new journey of entrepreneurship!

Adhere to efficiency orientation, new requirements lead a new journey

In their speeches, everyone expressed that holding this large-scale economic operation scheduling and analysis meeting reflects Shandong State Investment Corporation's full determination, reflects Shandong State Investment Corporation's new style of taking responsibility and being pragmatic and high-tech, and reflects the new leadership team's high emphasis on efficiency and efficiency goals!

We need to cultivate projects, enterprises, and brands that are well-known and well-known, that can attract high attention from the provincial party committee and government, and truly reflect the value of national investment in the transformation of new and old driving forces and the high-quality green development of Shandong Province

We need to integrate resources and concentrate limited capital, assets, and resources on high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries, mostly cultivating and cultivating strategic emerging industries and industries for China National Investment Corporation

We need to look beyond overseas investment and adjust the methods and mechanisms that are not conducive to the development of national investment, fully mobilize all national investment personnel to devote themselves to national investment, create first-class, strive for performance, and contribute to national investment

We need to transform our business philosophy. We will focus on quality and efficiency, vigorously implement special actions to improve quality and efficiency, comprehensively improve the level of refined management, seek benefits from management, enhance profitability, and expand the company's profitability through asset operation linkage

The one-day meeting ended at 6pm, and the attendees' eyes were not filled with fatigue but with excitement, but also with longing for the future!

The meeting was inspiring and inspiring, pointing out the direction for us to do our future work well, providing fundamental guidance, and injecting strong momentum

We will further strengthen our confidence, firmly grasp the current development period, and under the leadership of the State Investment Corporation, strive to embark on the path of high-quality development

When the wind is good, it is time to set sail. Ride your horse, whip your whip, and then move forward. This meeting is just in time! The people of Shandong Guotou, who have been inspired, will take this meeting as an opportunity to deeply implement the new development concept and bravely advance in achieving green, low-carbon, and high-quality development!